“If only I were that person who has all the success in our industry, I would definitely be successful!”
Do you have this same thought right now?
If you are in network marketing and just starting out, the first challenge is how to attract people to build your team. And then you see all these successful leaders in your company who are already known which made you think “If only I was that person” then building would be easy-peasy and you would be successful in no time.
So, how can you really be successful if you are still starting and has no success proof yourself?
Continue reading because this blog is for you.
This time, let’s talk about…
The Key to Creating Success before You’re Successful
Okay, how can you be successful if you still have zero result in your business?
This is a very common question when you are starting out.
And most of the time, due to this situation, you procrastinate and think, “I will just talk and invite people when I become successful”.
Which actually defeats the purpose of your business.
Because the only way to grow your business is to talk and invite as many people as you can.
The ‘Result’ does not come before the ‘Activity’.
And if you are going to stick with this, you will never have the success you are looking for.
But first, let us just be clear as to why people think they will only be able to attract people if they are successful.
This is because we conclude that ‘Success’ means ‘Credibility and Influence’.
And Credibility and Influence attract people.
The good thing is… there is a way to build credibility and influence in your company or industry even if you are not successful yet.
Let me share to you these five key things, that if you implement consistently, will give you influence and credibility, and create success before you’re successful.
The Key to Creating Success before You’re Successful
1. Invest in Yourself
You should invest in yourself first.
Read books, take courses, join trainings and webinars.
Whatever and wherever you can grab knowledge, go get them.
Because the more knowledge you have, the more valuable you become.
And value means influence.
2. Create Valuable Content
If you have the knowledge, you should share them to people.
Post what you learned on social media or write a blog about it.
Let people read about the things you learned.
When people learn and gain information from you, they will see you as a person of value.
3. Tell People They’re Amazing
As cheesy as it sounds, but making people feel good can boost your attractiveness and influence.
Just make sure you are giving a genuine compliment.
Go and message at least 5 people a day to let them know they’re amazing.
This will keep you at the top of their mind in a positive way.
4. Find a Mentor
I can’t express enough the importance of this one.
When I tried to learn things on my own, there are a lot of dots that wouldn’t connect. Until I decided to get a mentor who showed me how to connect the dots. My goals and activities have been clearer since then.
Moreover, that mentor has a lot of influence, and having this connection gives my credibility a boost.
5. Keep True to Your Word
You should be very consistent on this one.
If you say you’re going to do something, then you should Do It.
That also means, when you say you’re going to build your business and create a life you love… stop procrastinating
and prolonging your success. Do It NOW!
People are watching you. So you better do something now and give them something Good to watch.
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The Key to Creating Success before You’re Successful
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