Money Making Skills For Online Entrepreneurs
Are you ready to make money online?
But before you dive deeply, make sure you are well-equipped.
Here are five money making skills that you should learn if you want to be a successful online entrepreneur.
Money Making Skills For Online Entrepreneurs
1. Building a Sales Funnel
Sales Funnel is the visual representation that illustrates the customers’ journey within the sales process.
The sales process includes four stages: Awareness, Interaction, Desire and Action.
Why is Sales Funnel important?
Sales Funnel helps you understand what potential customers think and do at each stage of the purchasing journey.
These insights allow you to choose the right marketing strategies, create the most effective messaging for each stage and turn more prospects into buying customers.
How does Sales Funnel work?
image source:
Suggested books:
Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online with Sales Funnels by Russell Brunson
The Sales Funnel Book: How To Multiply Your Business With Marketing Automation by Nathan Williams
2. Closing Sales
Dubbed as “The Most Important Sales Skill Of All”.
True enough, regardless of how many leads you have, it wouldn’t matter if you don’t know how to close a sale.
Closing skills is what turn prospects into customers.
Here are some Closing Techniques and Scripts you can use.
The assumptive close:
Assumes the close is a done deal.
Example script, “What day do you want to receive your shipment?”
The option close:
Similar to the assumptive close by asking them which option they prefer.
Example script, “Do you want your shipment delivered on Monday or Wednesday?”
The suggestion close:
Once you have built rapport, close the sale by making suggestion.
Example script, “Based on what you have told me, I would suggest you receive orders on Mondays. Does this work for you?”
The urgency close:
Creating a sense of urgency pushes the prospect to make a decision quickly.
Example script, “This is the last item on sale.”
Suggested books:
Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar
Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer
3. Social Media Marketing
In 2022, there are 2.9 billion active users on Facebook, 1 billion on Instagram, 1 billion on TikTok, 396.5 million on Twitter.
Making Social Media as one of the best places to promote your business.
Which is why you should master how to use social media to build your own community of loyal customers.
But don’t overwhelm yourself by being on every social media there is.
Especially if you are just starting your online business.
Instead, choose one social media platform and become an expert on that one first.
Once you have become an expert on one, then choose a second platform to master, and so on.
If you want to optimize your social media page to attract more potential customers, follow the steps in this blog>> How To Optimize Your Social Media Page For Business Success
Suggested books:
One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days by Brendan Kane
Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing: How to Stop Wasting Your Time on Things That Don’t Work and Start Doing What Does! by Ray Higdon and Jessica Higdon
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk
4. Copywriting
Copywriting refers to writing of content either for your website, blog, brochure or ads.
The aim of copywriting is to persuade prospective customers to purchase whatever it is that you have whether it is a product, service or opportunity.
It uses words to encourage people to buy without directly telling them to.
A good copywriting can help you build your brand and target the right audience.
If you want to quickly put together a copy for your social media post or ad, you can grab my fill-in-the-blank template by clicking this link>> High Value Message Copy Formula-free template
Suggested books:
Cashvertising : How to Use 50 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone by Drew Eric Whitman
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller
5. Building Relationship
When you have good customer relationship it can help increase your sales and reduce losing customers.
Moreover, a customer with positive experience from your business is more likely to recommend you to others.
That’s free advertising!
In addition to free advertising, new customers brought in by your loyal customers saves you customer-acquisition cost.
The connection you build with your customers can also provide you valuable insights that you can use in your Research & Development when creating and offering products and improving customer support.
That said, building good relationship with your customers is never optional.
Suggested books:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
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Money Making Skills For Online Entrepreneurs
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