If you’re attempting to expand your business every day, you’ll undoubtedly encounter the same questions or objections over and over.

It’s understandable, but if you spend 45 minutes on the phone every time a teammate has a question instead of pointing them to a resource for the answer…

Then you should consider improving your strategy.

You can spend hours answering the same questions in your organization, or you can use a smarter, more leveraged strategy that won’t drain all of your time and energy.

How To Speed Up Your Recruiting & Team Building

If you want to build your team fast and be able to make a six- or seven-figure income, you’ll need to include leverage and automation into your business so that it doesn’t consume your entire life.

When I come across something in my business that I don’t enjoy doing, I do one of three things:


My first choice is to automate it wherever possible, but if that isn’t possible, I’ll delegate it, and if none of those options is possible, I’ll eliminate it.

In this scenario, though, I have the option to automate, and you’ll discover that most aspects of your business can and should be automated.

When I realize that I’m getting the same question or objection over and over again in my business, I’ll publish a golden post.

What is a golden post?

A golden post is an answer to a query you commonly receive from prospects or teammates. The information can be in the form of a blog post or a video, but the goal is to answer a frequently asked issue.

Then, if a prospect or teammate asks a question or raises a repeated objection, I can email them a link to the video or blog post that answers their question.

And consider this…

When a prospect sees that you’ve put effort into developing content, they’ll see you as an expert and leader in your field.

And if you want to be viewed as a thought leader and authority in your field, I strongly advise you to start a blog. There are still ways to make golden posts and direct people to them if you don’t have a blog yet.

Aside from blog, you can make a video of your golden posts and upload it on YouTube, Facebook Page, or Instagram.

This will save you a lot of time, and it will also benefit your prospects because they will be able to go back and see the content if necessary.

NOTE: You can create your golden post on any platform that you can link people to right now. You should, however, start a blog at some time so that you may be viewed as a thought leader and authority in your field, as well as someone of value.

How To Speed Up Your Recruiting & Team Building

In addition, here is your step-by-step guide to getting started with golden posts.

Make a list of the top five objections or questions you get from prospects when you’re presenting your products, service, or company.

If you’re creating a team in network marketing, you’ll want to write down the top five questions you hear from your team.

What are the top five things they come to you for help with?

Then you’ll want to make a new post for each of these questions and bookmark the link so you can share it anytime a prospect or colleague asks you that question.

The beauty of it is that once you’ve finished that post, you can email it and have that golden post work for you over and over again.


So, if you’re ready to stop spending hours upon hours answering inquiries and instead focus on your life and the aspects of your business that you enjoy, the Automation and Golden Post technique is for you.

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How To Speed Up Your Recruiting & Team Building

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